Here is another business opporunity to get money through affiliate progam, and the product is diamonds especially diamond engagement rings provided by ,which these products also promoted in a seo idol , such as I quoted below:
And for more details about this diamond marketing topic you can read here:
"Compete & Earn. Entrants are strongly encouraged to use your entry to earn commissions via our affiliate program earning you 8% on sales throughout the contest. Our average sale is $3000 earning our affiliates an average commission of $240 per sale. Such commissions could easily fund any serious bid by SEO marketing freelancers, SEO agencies and other SEO entrants such as bloggers and webmasters by earning solid regular income all along the way.
While promoting "makeityourring diamond engagement rings" with relevant content, it makes sense to earn commissions in one of the most lucrative industries on the net. Affiliate commissions can be earned in addition to prize money"
And for more details about this diamond marketing topic you can read here: